Opportunity to participate in a research clinical trial of a new product for patients with major depressive disorder (MDD)

Přestože je v současné době dostupná celá řada léčebných postupů pro pacienty s těžkou depresivní poruchou (MDD), u mnoha z nich bude docházet k relapsům depresivních epizod navzdory tomu, že užívají antidepresiva.

We are conducting an investigational clinical trial of a new product for patients with major depressive disorder (MDD). We are recruiting adult patients who have acute symptoms of depression and are taking an antidepressant without sufficient improvement in their depressive symptoms. In this clinical trial, participants will also be assigned an approved antidepressant to take daily.

Read more in the Information Sheet. If you are interested in participating in the study or for more information, please contact: 

M.Phil. Světlana Žuchová, Ph.D. (svetlana.zuchova@nudz.cz) or Bc. Helena Bumbová (helena.bumbova@nudz.cz).


Invitation (Czech only)