Development of capacities for Research and Development in NIMH

Petra Hlachová, M. A.

HR Excellence Process Manager

On 27 November 2017, the National Institute of Mental Health subscribed to the principles enshrined in the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. 

NIMH submitted a proposal for the project Development of capacities for research and development in NIMH to the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports as part of the Research, Development and Education operational program. The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports approved the project proposal.

On 23/05/2019, the European Commission announced that after meeting the conditions, NIMH can use the HR Excellence in Research (HR Award).

Beneficiary: National Institute of Mental Health
Project registration number: CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_028/0006222
Project name: Development of capacities for research and development in NIMH

Project objectives

  • Obtaining the HR Award certificate awarded by the European Commission to research institutions that implement HRS4R (The Human Resources Strategy for Researchers) based on the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, which is European Commission Recommendation No. 2005/251 /ES, which obliges research institutions to create friendly working conditions, professional development and transparent procedures for hiring researchers.
  • Strategic setting and development of internal evaluation of researchers.
  • Strategic setting and development of international cooperation in research and development and internationalization.

Benefits of implementation

HRS4R for NIMH and researchers:

  • Strengthening the reputation of NIMH and increasing the institute's attractiveness for foreign and domestic institutions and researchers.
  • Guaranteeing open, transparent and merit-based recruitment (Open Transparent and Merit based - Recruitment - OTM-R) of new employees.
  • Increasing the possibility of access to European and domestic research support programs (TAČR, HORIZON 2020, etc.).
  • Strengthening the development of the professional growth of researchers, higher support for professional education.
  • Appreciation of mobility experience in the public and private sector.
  • Development of professional growth of researchers.



Time schedule


  • Signing up to the principles of the European Charter and Code of Researcher - 27/11/2017.
  • Carrying out a gap analysis (Gap Analysis) against the principles of the Charter and the Code - 01/01/2018 to 10/15/2018.
  • Preparation of the action plan (Action Plan) - 15/10/2018 to 26/11/2018.
  • Sending the analysis and action plan to the European Commission and publishing these documents on the NIMH website - 27/11/2018.


  • Implementation of the action plan - from December 2018.
  • Internal evaluation of the action plan and creation of a revised action plan for the next 36 months - 24 months after the initial HR Award.
  • Implementation of the action plan revised as part of the internal evaluation - from December 2020.
  • External evaluation carried out by representatives of the European Commission in NIMH - 36 months after the internal evaluation.

Project team

In order to manage and implement the project according to the rules of the project, the management of NIMH created a special project management prior the start of the project.

On 1 January 2022, a new organizational structure entered into force, the changes of which were reflected in the composition of all project platforms (i.e. institute management, supervisory group, working group and revision group).