Basic information
Investigator: MUDr. Tomáš Novák, Ph.D.
Main recipient: LF – Masarykova universita Brno (Medicine Faculty – Masaryk University Brno)
Co-recipient: NIMH CZ
Research period: 1/1/2023 – 31/12/2026
Total budget: 1,798,272 CZK
NIHM budget: 1,798,272 CZK
Supported by: other

The Large Research Infrastructure Czech Clinical Research Infrastructure Network (VVI CZECRIN) is a national infrastructure for clinically oriented biomedical research, conducted through non-commercially initiated clinical trials. Under the leadership of Masaryk University (MUNI) in collaboration with St. Anne's University Hospital in Brno (FNUSA), a long-term sustainable clinical research expert network has been created, involving university hospitals and academic institutions. The long-term goal of VVI CZECRIN is to increase the quality and number of non-commercial clinical trials conducted in the Czech Republic and, in cooperation with ECRIN-ERIC, to implement them internationally. The impact of non-commercial clinical trials is fundamental, as they address key questions from clinical practice, often in areas neglected by the pharmaceutical industry. Their results provide essential independent Evidence-Based Data (EBM), which can positively influence the recommendations of professional societies and improve the healthcare system for our patients.