Programme MERIT - Central Bohemia Mobility Programme for Excellence in Research, Innovation and Technology (EC 101081195)
Basic information
Investigator: PhDr. Petr Winkler, Ph.D., RNDr. Karel Valeš, Ph.D.
Main recipient: SIC - Středočeské inovační centrum (Central Bohemian Innovation Center)
Co-recipient: NIMH and other partners
Research period: 1/1/2023 – 31/12/2027
Total budget: 89,550,000 CZK
NIHM budget: 15,090,000 CZK
Supported by: EC

MERIT will be a 5-year regional programme for 30 incoming postdoctoral researchers from all over the world. It is a joint initiative of the Central Bohemian Innovation Centre (SIC) as the Beneficiary, and 51 partners: 15 Implementing partners represented by regional research organisations, and 36 Associated partners that include national and international SMEs, regional branches of large enterprises, international universities and local high schools. MERIT will build on and will be synergistic with several already existing regional programmes led by SIC, such as the regional Welcome Office. The programme will be co-funded by the Central Bohemian Regional Government and the Implementing partners. MERIT has 3 strategic objectives which are in line with the Regional Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialisation (RIS3): 1) Strengthen the European and global human capital base in research and innovation, contribute to a stronger European Research Area and increase the international openness of the participating partners and the whole Region; 2) Establish new partnerships and collaborations between academic and non-academic sectors (especially regional research organisations with SMEs), leading to higher competitiveness and innovativeness of both; and 3) Promote science and its many practical applications in society among the youth and advocate for more representation of female scientists in technical and life sciences research disciplines with a focus on applied research. MERIT supports the research activities and training of selected researchers in the following application areas: Biotechnologies and Biomedicine, Laser technologies, Space technologies, Sustainable energy and materials and Digitalisation as a cross-cutting area, all areas respecting the Gender dimension in research. These areas are in line with RIS3 and other European or global strategic frameworks. The duration of the fellowships is planned from 24 to 30 months, including secondments.