Minority stress of non-heterosexual people in the Czech Republic (19-14801S)

Basic information

Investigator: RNDr. Michal Pitoňák, Ph.D.
Main recipient: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
Research period: 1/1/2019 - 30/6/2022
Total budget: 3,414,000 CZK
Supported by: Czech Science Foundation (GAČR)


The goal of this project is to verify theories about the impact of minority stress on the mental health and quality of life of non-heterosexual people in the Czech Republic and to obtain the first comprehensive data on this diverse population. Verification of the theory about the effects of minority stress in the Czech Republic will increase our understanding of the quality of mental health of non-heterosexual people, and improve the effectiveness and availability of research tools needed for the development of prevention and treatment programs aimed at this population group.