HARMONY-Healthy and resilient mindset with an organized, nurturing, and digital workplace for you WORKPLACE FOR YOU (101187046)

Basic information
Investigator: Mgr. Lucie Havlíková
Co-recipient: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
Research period: 1/11/2024 - 31/10/2027
Total budget: 37,435,437 CZK
NIMH budget: 3,503,886 CZK
Supported by: EC
The H.A.R.M.O.N.Y. project will bring together HEIs, VETs, research institutions, SMEs, and EU-wide network organizations in a joint approach to support European SMEs and their employees to prevent the negative consequences of mental health challenges in today's workplaces.
Mental health problems affect more than 13 million people in the EU SME employees. Half of EU workers consider stress to be common in their workplace and stress contributed to around half of all lost working days. The other two major mental health challenges are depression and anxiety. The project will give a special focus on those three workplace mental health challenges.
The project aims to contribute to better handling of mental health at SME workplaces:
- Improve the SME employer’s competence to prevent and deal with most common mental health issues among their employees;
- Build the capacity of HEI teachers and VET providers to improve integration of work-related mental health aspects in their programs and competencies;
- Promote an exchange of good practices among researchers, OSH experts and service providers, and labour market actors;
- Investigate AI technologies and develop a framework and AI architecture to pave the way for the development of a personalized self-monitoring tool for SME employees with previous history of mental health issues and employees interested in monitoring of their own mental health status and preventing mental health problems (further in the text referred to as a personalized selfmonitoring tool).
The project is expected to improve the knowledge and skills of the target groups in the field of mental health at workplaces and create a sustainable concept that can be implemented EU-wide as a collaboration between HEIs, VET providers, research institutions,
OSH experts and service providers, and labour market actors.
The final concept will have 8 pieces of training modules related to work-related stress, anxiety, and depression for SME employer.