Destigmatization of people with mental illness in the Czech Republic (Destigmatization) (CZ.03.2.63/0.0/0.0/15_039/0007276)

Basic information

Investigator: PhDr. Petr Winkler, Ph.D.
Main recipient: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
Research period: 1/9/2017 - 30/11/2022
Totalm budget: 94,956,515 CZK
Supported by: Operation programme

EU Operační program Zaměstnanost


This five-year Destigmatization project is meant to contribute towards mental health care reform in the Czech Republic. The NA ROVINU Initiative was created as part of the project, which aims to reduce stigmatization and discrimination of people with mental illness and improve people's attitude towards mental health. Based on an analysis of needs and good practices from already implemented destigmatization programs in the world, educational programs were created for six target groups - for people with mental illness, their family members, health service providers, social service providers, public administration employees and communities around newly emerging CDZs. These educational programs are then implemented by the Na rovinu initiative team in all regions of the Czech Republic and their impacts are evaluated.