Nationwide research of sexual behaviour, preferences, and wellbeing in the Czech population: Current situation and trends (21-31490S)

Basic informations

Investigator: Prof. PhDr. Petr Weiss, Ph.D., DSc.
Main recipient: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
Research period: 1/7/2021 - 30/6/2024
Total budget: 6,550,00 CZK
Supported by: Czech Science Foundation (GAČR)


In many countries, there is a long tradition of representative surveys of sexual health and behaviour. Such surveys are crucial for the development of health programs and social services that improve sexual and reproductive health of the population. Moreover, they enable the monitoring of long-term social trends and emerging phenomena. However, because a series of national surveys of sexual behaviour was conducted only in 1993–2013 and then discontinued, we lack up-to-date information about the situation and its development. In this project,we propose to two nationwide representative surveys which build on previous research (and include items assessing new trends). Study 2 aims at describing the present situation in sexual health and behaviour. Study 1 focuses on the prevalence of sexual preferences and problematic sexual behaviour. Its results will be compared to data from 2016. Surveying methodology will be developed in collaboration with relevant experts (WHO) so as to conform to international criteria, which would enable the inclusion of data in future cross-national comparisons.

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