2PS - Prevent & Protect through support (Prevention of child sexual exploitation) (HE-CL3-2021-FCT-01-11)

Basic informations

Investigator: Mgr. Kateřina Klapilová, Ph.D.
Main recipient: Polish platform for Homemade Security
Co-recipient: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) + another 21 partners in consortium
Research period: 1/10/2022 - 30/9/2025
Total budget: 75,076,625 CZK
NIMH budget: 1,335,550 CZK
Supported by: European Commision



The Protect and Prevent Through Support (2PS) project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Programme. 2PS is a three-year prevention initiative which will work on a variety of pressing topics and actions to help address the growing issues of Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation (CSAE), particularly in the online environment (OCSAE). Together with leading global actors, we are committed to laying the foundations for new coherent modus operandi that complement the reactive approaches currently favoured, moving preventive actions to the forefront.

2PS ultimate goal is to protect children, and this can be achieved by addressing the support needs of people with a sexual interest in children and individuals who are concerned about their thoughts involving children, offering them alternative pathways.

For more information, please visit https://2ps-project.eu/.